Mr. Widemouth's Secret

I remember the day I met Mr.Widemouth... The dangerous games he suggested me to play... like trying to get me to smoke w33d everyday, getting lots of STDs, and encouraging me to try to rape each other. He even tried to get me to become a FUCKING BRONY!!! R U SHITTING ME, MR. W? WHY!??!!! :( DDD: That was the worst thing Mr. Widemouth ever tried to get me to do! Oh wait... I remember that one time... "Hey there, I have a new game we can play! Let's jack off together!" Oh god... What a sick friend Mr. Widemouth was... And you know what? One time, I found Mr. Widemouth playing with a bunch of Pony Toys... That means... He's a brony!
One time, Mr. Widemouth asked me for money, and I asked him why he was asking for 3O dollars. He said he needed those thirty dollars so he could go to the bar and get drunk, so he could come up with even more lame games for us to play. I told him to take the money and to give me a bottle of water when he got back. He left and was gone for about 234,000,242 seconds. When he got back, he gave me beer, and told me to drink it. I decided not to. He then shoved it down my throat, and I drank the beer. I tried walking, but I felt dizzy. I walked to my room, so I could get sleep (But have to deal with a hangover when I'd wake up), and when I got there, I nearly threw up. BEN_Drowned was in my bathtub with Sonic.exe, Jeff the Killer was on my bed with Slenderman, and The Rake. A disco ball made my room look bright. I slept with them all. The next day, Mr. Widemouth asked me to play one last game. He told me to follow him down a trail. I refused, and when I was 16, I decided to walk down the trail. It was a long ass walk. When I got to the end, was a graveyard with the tombstone of every brony who has ever existed, and in the center, stood Obama.